Ute Talk

Guess I’ll be shopping at Target more

I needed a few sundries this evening… Milk, green chiles…you know, the essentials.

I’m walking around Target noticing how RED the place is. Everything there is RED. I liked that. Then the lady at the checkout stand says “your total is $34.31.”

A big smile goes on my face as I tell her I’m very happy I came shopping tonight and how glad I was to hear that my amount was $34.31. To my kids’ nausea, I explained to the checkout lady that Utah beat byu two years in a row by that score.

It was at that point in time that the guy in line behind me is shaking his head in disgust and says “I’m a cougar fan.”

Football Ute Talk

5 in a row… new server

Wow the football team has won 5 straight! This is good. I need to get to blogging more about my Utes, but I’ve been busy moving this site and zillions of others to my new server.

Ute Talk

I’ve never met this guy, but he is my friend.

byu sucks

Ute Talk

Summer Break

Time for Summer break. I’ll be taking a break from posts until the football season starts to heat up. If anything cool happens in Ute world I’ll be around.